I 26 martiri del Giappone 1931

The 26 Martyrs of Japan. Jesuit priests in Japan during the 17th century are persecuted by the shogunate to for trying to spread Christianity.

Todos los títulos
  • JP: Junkyo kesshi nihon nijuroku seijin Junkyo kesshi nihon nijuroku seijin
  • FR: Les Vingt-six Martyrs japonais Les Vingt-six Martyrs japonais
  • JP: 殉教血史 日本二十六聖人 殉教血史 日本二十六聖人
  • ES: Sangre en el Japón Sangre en el Japón
  • JP: The 26 Martyrs of Japan The 26 Martyrs of Japan
Fecha de lanzamiento 01 Oct 1931
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